Stop Wasting Your Time & Money On "REI Mentorship" Programs That Are Diluted, Outdated & Just Don't Work!

Are You Ready To Build Your Real Estate Investing Empire or Grow Your Current Business?

…While Tearing Down The Barriers That Are Constantly Holding You Back…

Invest Just 4-5 Hours Per Week With Me Over The Next 90 DAYS, And I’ll Show You…

How To Build A Successful Real Estate Investing Business From Scratch Or Grow Your Current Business To New Heights, All Without Making Costly Mistakes & Facing Common Obstacles…

(And even if you’re just starting out, don't have “startup capital” or great credit)

Do a Deal In 90 Days


Expertise Matters

“These are the exact methods & strategies both myself & our clients are using to close more deals, build their portfolio & create consistent cash flow while investing only a portion of their own money, whilst having a lot more fun & leaving a legacy for their children…”
— Douglas J. Beck, Seasoned Investor & Mentor

This Offer Grants You


To 2 exclusive communities


Weekly 1:1's with Douglas & Monthly Coaching 1:1


Multiple weekly trainings to show you how to find, fund and close your next deal


Your own dedicated Slack Channel with the coaching team to ask questions & get help

REI Deals Without Capital or Experience

If you’re struggling to put deals together as the market is saturated and you don't know how to FIND THE BEST DEALS available…
If you’re having challenges with growing your REI business & team…
If you are nervous or unsure about contracts due to lack of knowledge & experience…
If you feel uncomfortable making "low ball" offers and need help crunching the numbers…
Or even if you need an investor, lender, contractor, or any other resource to get the deal closed…
There’s a much easier way to find deals that make sense and offer great ROI …
And it doesn’t matter if you don't have the capital needed to close these deals.
With the methods & strategies I’ll teach you in this program, you’ll be able to grab more deals without draining your bank account.
And that means, you can finally create a scalable business that gives you the freedom to live the life you deserve on your own terms
And get this:
It works even if you’re a beginner investor struggling to get into the game or don’t have “startup capital” or good credit …
Or even if you need an investor, lender, contractor, or any other resource to get the deal closed…
There’s a much easier way to find deals that make sense and offer great ROI …
And it doesn’t matter if you don't have the capital needed to close these deals.
With the methods & strategies I’ll teach you in this program, you’ll be able to grab more deals without draining your bank account.
And that means, you can finally create a scalable business that gives you the freedom to live the life you deserve on your own terms
And get this:
It works even if you’re a beginner investor struggling to get into the game or don’t have “startup capital” or good credit …
In fact, it’s already helping my clients (even those brand new to the real estate investing business) find money-making deals, negotiate them… and close them to make an income of as much as $50,000, $100,000, $150,000, or more.

How To Build A Successful Real Estate Investing Business From Scratch Or Grow Your Current Business To New Heights, All Without Making Costly Mistakes & Facing Common Obstacles…

(And even if you’re just starting out, don't have “startup capital” or great credit)

Do a Deal In 90 Days



See What Others Have Said About Their Experience!

“It may be hard to believe if you’re struggling right now – or if you have mental blocks and are making excuses – but…check out what these people (no different than you) are already doing, in fact crushing it…”

"Prior to meeting Doug, my experience with real estate was pretty much nonexistent. With Doug as my mentor, it totally changed the direction of my business and helped me hit the ground running…"

- Cedric S

Founder of Stout Investments

" I ran across Doug Beck when I realized that I needed to have a mentor, and with his help, I closed my first deal within two months."

- Robert Raheb

- New Jersey

I started my real estate investing journey about 2 years ago when I joined Doug's mentorship program. I was a complete newbie and felt like I needed someone to show me the ropes. Doug taught me how to find opportunities, analyze them, negotiate, and ultimately purchase my first property. Two years later, after growing a small team and opening an office in NJ, my wife and I just left our full-time jobs to focus 100% of our energy on real estate. Doug literally taught me everything I know, and I am forever grateful for that!
- Cristian G.
Douglas is a terrific resource regardless of your investing needs. You'll find professionalism, transparency, and pathways to building your investments.
- Shannon Keating
In Doug you get an honest  and humble entrepreneur, who prioritizes faith, family and business and continually pays it forward by offering value every chance he gets.
Doug Beck is a rare individual in this industry, who truly believes in helping his fellow man. He is extremely knowledgeable and easy going. I model my work ethic after him and his business dealings.
- Joe Irizarry
Business Development Director, JDL Ventures

Businesses I've Started, Own & Continue to Grow.


Now, just for a moment, imagine how you would feel if you could:

  • Get More Deals under contract without spending a lot on marketing…
  • Comfortably connect with potential leads, negotiate with them and close those deals to make a profit…
  • Have a team of experts to give you all the training, tools & support you need in your REI journey​​…
  • ​Skip all the mistakes and obstacles that MOST beginners make…

Wouldn't that feel great?

Wouldn't that give you more energy and drive to use your gifts and experience to make more money and create financial freedom?

I hope so because…

If you keep reading, you'll soon discover that it's not only POSSIBLE ... but PROBABLE ... even if you've never done it before.

Because if I’m right, you’ve never tried anything like what I’m about to show you.

With these methods I’m about to explain, you can remain at your current job while you close deal after deal…and…

You can finally be rewarded with the business and lifestyle you want for yourself and your family while making a positive change in other's lives…

With these methods I’m about to explain, you can remain at your current job while you close deal after deal…and…

That’s not realistic.

And frankly, not every deal you see is a good fit for you.

But, if you're serious about changing your life forever and want to earn the income, you know you deserve …

…If you want to build a successful REI business & create a long-term retirement plan …

…please read every word of this important message and accept my risk-free invitation to join The Growth Collective.

But first…

Let me tell you a bit about myself…

My name is Douglas J. Beck.
I wasn’t good at real estate investing at the start.
Before figuring out how to turn my talents into a big game, I worked in Corporate IT & Procurement, 9 to 5…
But I wasn't satisfied with that life.
I wanted to make a change, I wanted the freedom to enjoy life with my family and to live it on my own terms.
So I started real estate investing as a side hustle.
But my journey wasn't easy, I struggled a lot.
Because I had no one to share their experience and show me how this business works
I made many costly mistakes and joined many mentorship programs but couldn't get the results I wanted.
I researched what most of the successful real estate investors were doing….
I discovered some incredible methods & strategies to locate, analyze, and close deals that make sense… deals that offer great ROI… deals that offer the opportunity to earn regular cash flow, and deals that help you build long-term wealth…

Here’s What Happened Next…

After figuring out how this business actually works, I closed hundreds of transactions successfully, from buying & selling over $20 million of Real Estate and managing over $12 million of construction since 2014.
And that's not all…
I wanted to make an impact in other people’s lives…
So I decided to teach what I have learned from my years of experience…
Over the last few years, we have helped hundreds of our clients get into the game, build a sustainable REI business and grow it to the next level…
And I’d love to do the same for you…
My only question is… Are you ready to make a change in your life?
Imagine the difference YOU could make when more than half of the deals you find turn into money-making machines…
I mean, think about it…
What if… you get priority access to deals that are PRE-QUALIFIED for FUNDING?
What if… you find a deal and know exactly what to do with it?
What if… you no longer have to feel confused and overwhelmed?
What if… you have a team of real estate investing experts who have your back?
That’s what’s going to happen for you if you enroll in our The Growth Collective Coaching that shows you the step-by-step, easy-to-follow PROVEN roadmap for getting into the game and building a Successful REI Business.
Right now, only Limited Spots remain for this exclusive mastermind (some of them are already filled)
Why limited? Because we want to ensure that everyone in the group gets a personal quality experience…
Are you ready?
You may be wondering who this program is for?
  • Active real estate investors! You’ve completed a flip or several, and now you are looking to ground yourself with a process to get an extra edge.
  • Newbie investor looking to do deals and learn everything from A to Z.
  • The hard working Contractor who has helped 100’s of investors create wealth but is now ready to build something for themselves.
  • ​The real estate agent who has acquired a ton of knowledge helping others buy & sell and now is ready to start their own REI business.
  • ​The busy professional who wants to escape the 9-5 grind and start a rental portfolio to create a legacy for the family
  • ​And everyone in between who wants to get into the game of real estate investing or grow a REI business to new heights...
Are you ready?
If you are one of these individuals, I mentioned above…
And if you’re ready to build your real estate investing empire without committing costly mistakes & in the fastest time possible…
Then The Growth Collective Is the CATALYST You Need Right Now…
Here’s How You Can Reserve Your Exclusive Spot
Simply click the “Apply Now” button below and submit your application.
We will let you know if you’re accepted and then you’ll have to invest in the enrollment fee which is completely backed by no questions asked money-back guarantee.
And you’re all set.
My support team will take care of the rest.
After you enroll, you’ll receive a welcome email and instructions to get started.
The coaching will be delivered to you in 52 live weekly group sessions with Doug…
Each session will be of 60 minutes & held via live video conference.
That means, you can take advantage of The Growth Collective from the comfort of your home.
Just think about it. All we’re talking about here is committing just an hour twice a week with the possibility of changing your life forever…
Don’t you agree that it’s a fair exchange?
If anything we discussed above rings true for you, here’s what to do next…
Give Your Family & Yourself The Gift Of Financial Freedom - Take Action Now

Here’s What You’ll Get

The Growth Collective
1 Kick-off Game Plan Session, One-On-One With Douglas J. Beck Plus 12 Monthly 1 on 1’s With Him. Enjoy Personal Help With Your Current Needs & Challenges.
($7,000+ Value)
Unlimited 1:1 Deal Support From Him & His Team Via FB Messenger And The Growth Collective Private Community.
($20,000+ Value)
It means you no longer have to go at it alone because Douglas J. Beck and his team of experts will ALWAYS be there to help.
The Growth Collective

52 Exclusive Hourly Live Group Sessions with Douglas J. Beck & JDL Ventures Team. Establish The Investor Mindset and Uncover Our Proven Methods & Systems.
($15,600 Value)

We’ll be focusing on

Establishing the mindset of a successful REI investor:
For example, you’ll discover:
  • Establishing the ​Mindset of an Investor & Entrepreneur vs. an Employee
  • The 3 Most Important Questions & Fulfillment-Based Goal Setting
  • Setting Up Your Business for Success
  • ​​Networking & Relationship-Building for Long-Term Success
Revenue Generating Secrets, including:
  • Lead Generation & Marketing - Know Your Options & The Respective Pros & Cons
  • Deal Analysis for Fix & Flip, Buy & Hold, and Wholesale
  • Negotiating the best deals with sellers
  • ​​​Understanding how contracts work and how to hire the right attorney
  • ​Finding, Marketing to, and Building Relationships with Cash Buyers
  • ​Closing the Deal Successfully & Getting PAID
  • ​​Uncovering how to get the construction completed on time and on budget
Time & money-saving secrets like:
  • Systems, Technology & Automation to SCALE-UP
  • Raising Private & Hard Money
  • Leveraging OPM (Other People's Money) to Do More Deals & Use Less of Your Own
  • ​​​Finding, Hiring, and Managing the Right Contractors
  • ​Identifying the right real estate agents to list & sell your renovation projects
  • ​Selling your wholesale deals & renovated properties for TOP Dollar
  • Fire Yourself by Properly Outsourcing & Building a Team
  • ​Scaling your business to 6-figures or more a year

That’s just the tip of the iceberg compared to what you'll receive in “The Growth Collective”...

Additional group sessions and other Bonuses
52 live Deal-Review / Hot-Seat Sessions each 60 minutes with Douglas J. Beck & JDL Ventures Team
($15,600 Value)
You’ll get live deal analysis from Douglas J. Beck & the JDL Ventures Team, and will be able to ask questions & clear any doubts…
52 weekly one-on-ones ewith Douglas’ Hand-Selected Accountability Coach.
($10,400 Value)
To Ensure you grow and hold yourself accountable.
52 weekly Q & A Sessions inside our 30-Day Close More Deals Challenge community.
($15,600 Value)
Ask questions and gain clarity.
By the time you complete these sessions, you’ll have everything you need to build a successful REI business, scale it and create lasting wealth…

Plus Valuable Resources Like

VIP Access to all JDL Wholesale Deals that are PRE-QUALIFIED for FUNDING and priority to Joint Venture with us on deals. Plus unlimited deal analysis and support.
($20,000+ Value)

Partnership opportunities and personal Introductions to our Preferred Private Lenders, Title Companies, Contractors, and more.
($7,000+ Value)


Free Access To Over 100 Educational & Networking Event Recordings We Have Done Since 2014.
($7,500+ Value)
Get Access To Our Private The Growth Collective & 30 Day Close More Deals Challenge Community:
Where interaction is absolutely encouraged and implementation of what you learn is key!
  • Build new connections & collaborate with others on deals
  • Weekly 60-minute Q&A Sessions
  • Ask questions and get practical answers from experts
  • ​Share stories and take part in activities to boost your confidence​​
  • ​Receive help with Deal Analysis
($7,500+ Value)
If these Resources & Bonuses I’m giving you in this inner-circle mastermind for free don't excite you… I don't know what will…
Disclaimer: These resources & bonuses can disappear soon… As I reserve the right to pull this offer at any time. If you want in, now is the time while you’re on this page.
If you close this page, you may never get to see this offer again, and your chance to create a successful REI Business FAST will also disappear with it.
The Growth Collective Start Up
Are You Ready?
1 Kick-off Game Plan Session, One-On-One With Douglas J. Beck Plus 12 Monthly 1 on 1’s With Him. Get Personal Help With Your Current Needs & Challenges
($7,000 Value)
Unlimited 1:1 Deal Support From Douglas J. Beck & His Team Via FB Messenger And The Growth Collective Private Community.
($20,000+ Value)
52 Exclusive (once a week) Live Hourly Group Sessions With Douglas J. Beck & JDL Ventures Team. Establish The Investor Mindset and Uncover Our Proven Methods & Systems.
($15,600 Value)
52 live (once a week) Deal-Review / Hot-Seat Sessions each of 60 minutes with Douglas J. Beck & JDL Ventures Team
($15,600 Value)
52 Weekly Q & A Sessions inside our 30-Day Close More Deals Challenge community.
($15,600 Value)
Personal Introductions to our Preferred Private Lenders, Title Companies, Contractors, and more
$7,000+ Value)
52 Weekly One-On-Ones with Douglas’ Hand-Selected Accountability Coach To Ensure your growth and hold yourself accountable.
($10,400 Value)
FREE Access To Our Annual In-Person Live Mastermind Event With Douglas & The Rest Of The Growth Collective Family In Sarasota, FL. (Travel Allowance Paid For Scale Up Members Only)
($1,997 Value)
VIP Access to all JDL Wholesale Deals that are PRE-QUALIFIED for FUNDING and priority to Joint Venture with us on deals. Plus unlimited deal analysis and support
$20,000+ Value)
Free Access To Our Private The Growth Collective & 30 Day Close More Deals Challenge Community. Ask Questions, Build New Connections & Create New Opportunities
($7,500+ Value)
Fast Action Bonus: Free Access To hundreds of Virtual Networking Event Recordings We Have Done Since 2014
($7,500 Value)
Our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
The Growth Collective Start Up: If you do not get at least 2X the value on your investment (profit, and/or equity) we will continue to work with you for FREE until you do.
You Have 3 Paths. Which Will You Take?
  • Do nothing. Continue Hoping -- possibly even praying -- you’ll magically build a successful REI business by sitting on the sidelines.
  • Try to figure it out on your own… that will take a lot of time & effort with no guarantee that you’ll be successful. This means you’ll commit costly mistakes and face common obstacles on your own.
  • Enroll in my “The Growth Collective” and discover my proven secrets for effortlessly creating lasting wealth in REI investing starting today.
The choice is yours.
But if you choose option 3 then – start immediately…
Because I really want this to be a turning point in your life.
You’ve got nothing to lose and clarity to gain.
Will you join me?

Frequently Asked Questions

Copyright @ 2024 The Growth Collective - All Rights Reserved